Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Me and My Big Black Hat

I was so excited when I saw this hat. It was huge! A big black straw hat with a sheer black bow reminiscent of a bygone era (think "My Fair Lady").

Oooh la la, I was so excited as I fidgeted with proper hat placement. I was going to a bridal shower high tea at a posh hotel overlooking Waikiki beach, I had to get the hat right.

Black sandals, black skirt, black shirt, black and red kimono type jacket, red lipstick, black eyeliner, black mascara, silver jewelry, crystal necklace, Ysatis perfume, hair swept back with a big black bow, Big Black Hat! I was ready to go!

I was the Eliza Doolittle of the fucking Dark Side. It was great! Went to visit a friend after. He said he was scared. I thought, "Yes, you should be."

Funny. I've never been a frufru kind of girl. I never knew dressing up could be this fun! I must do it again...and soon!

All because I bought the coolest Big Black Hat!

I am thinking of constructing an ode to the big black hat that has brought me such pleasure in such a short space of time.

I have a Diva Tea to attend this Saturday. The big black hat is a must! I think I will wear it with spikes and leather, sunglasses and red lipstick.

Oh the places me and my big black hat will go!


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