Saturday, October 09, 2004
About Me
- Name: Kelly
- Location: Port Hueneme, California, United States
Tattooed, pierced, scarred, pulled, poked and prodded. Lifelong college student, professor, substitute teacher, television contractor, writer, photographer. Married pagan with cats for kids and a spouse who is, at times, both wretched and incredible. Voracious reader. Watches the sci-fi channel religiously. Feels that connecting with mother earth through various body transformations gets you one step closer to nirvana (the state of being, not the band).
Places You Should Visit
- Book Crossing
- Utilikilts
- Liberator (Adult)
- Fire Tribe
- Trease Tree Tents
- National Public Radio
- The Nation
People You Should Visit
- Wil Wheaton Dot Net
- Mistress Xia
- Margaret Cho
- Siamese Meg
- Cuba Life
- SummerRains
- True Confessions of the Youngest Son
Previous Posts
- There is something soothing about a voyage by sea...
- The Glam Diva Me! In white no less! Watch out! I'...
- Yes I am a Grammar Goddess! You are a GRAMMAR GOD...
- And a good time was had by all! I haven't laughed...
- Novel - Rough Draft (writing sex scenes in a fant...
- Me and My Big Black Hat I was so excited when I s...
- JUST FOR FUN - Partying Fiona Dear Shrek, I thoug...
- Evening. Here's a little snippet from the first dr...
- Well here we are. My musings will be splashed acro...

The Weather Where I Am

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