Saturday, November 20, 2004


Well, the novel is 1/3 of the way done. I have half of a long short story completed and the beginnings of a short, short story brewing about in my cranium.

My partner in writing crime Anna and I are co-editing a book on menstrual stories. Here's the information if you are interested in submitting.

Attention Divas!

We're looking for women writers and artists who are willing to share real-life stories of menstrual experiences. Our forthcoming book project, Riding the Red Baron, Surfing the Crimson Wave: Women's Menstrual Herstories, has a 2005 production date. We're seeking your essays, photographs, and JPEG files of original works of art on the subject.

Do you have any comic, scholastic, medical, somber, light-hearted, inspiring, sassy anecdotes from any menstrual perspective (first-blood memories, how you currently get through your "monthlies," your spiritual perspectives on the issue, the effects of pregnancy or motherhood, menopausal or postmenopausal experiences) that you're willing to share with other women on the printed page? Do tell!

All submissions, preferably formatted as Word document attachments (or JPEG files in the case of artoerk and photography) to e-mails, should be sent to the following e-mail address:

We ask that the essays fall within a 250-1,450 word count range.

The deadline for submissions is January 15, 2005.