A place to talk about me as I morph from dreary procrastinating writer by day to deliciously creative artist by night. Or maybe it's the other way around? I forget. In either event, we'll have fun!
Thursday, September 23, 2004
There is something soothing about a voyage by sea. The water slips away from the sides of the ship and it makes a music unique unto itself. The wind picks up and blows stray hair madly about your face, obscuring vision in some magical peek-a-boo dance. You can almost hear the wind laughing.
Tattooed, pierced, scarred, pulled, poked and prodded. Lifelong college student, professor, substitute teacher, television contractor, writer, photographer. Married pagan with cats for kids and a spouse who is, at times, both wretched and incredible. Voracious reader. Watches the sci-fi channel religiously. Feels that connecting with mother earth through various body transformations gets you one step closer to nirvana (the state of being, not the band).