Thursday, January 13, 2005

Writing Residency Pau!


Just a little note from the other side of the country. I'm finishing up a week-long residency in Vermont at Goddard College where I'm pursuing my MFA in Writing.

It has been an incredible week filled with meetings, workshops readings and seminars on writing. It has come to be a very inspirational place for me where people from all walks of life gather to create the written word.

I'm so pumped when I'm here, full of the creative juice, fire.

I bring that home with me.

For about a week.

Then it's back to the grind, the creative fire recedes, and I'm left with ashes.

I need to find a local writing community as varied and vibrant as this one where ideas fly about waiting for you to reach up and grab one by its wings.

The only thing flying around me at home is mosquitoes.


Attention Literary Shoppers!

The book project is coming along but we just don't have enough submissions. So we've decided to do some more advertising and extend the deadline to April 1st, 2005. Any inquiries should go to

Come on! You know you have something delicious to write!