bound and tagged

It was late last month and I was outside the Borders/Starbucks combo seen so frequently in towns such as mine when I saw it. A book, perched atop the trash can. Now, I was thinking who could leave a book behind. I'm the type of person who may forget my keys, wallet, ID and glasses, yet I can tell you where my books are %100 of the time. So it seemed odd to see a book just sitting there.
So I picked it up. It had a yellow tag on the front declaring that it was, not in fact lost, but traveling. It had been released into the wild, so to speak. So I invited it to my house for a few days to learn more about it (a book on rankism...pretty interesting stuff) and the program that helps it, and thousands of other books, travel. is an incredible movement. Shifting books all over the globe for people to read, enjoy, and then set free so other hungry bibliophiles can pick them up and devour them in their own way before sending them on more journeys.
I'm perusing my bookshelves, noting which books I will send "traveling". There's even a way to track your books travels on the website.
It's a book revolution!!!!
Books just wanna be FREE! See what I mean at:
Book Crossing